March brings with it the incipit of spring, a time when the desire to reorganise and refresh one's home becomes urgent. Among the tasks ahead of us is the rearrangement of the entrance area, with particular attention to the functional furnishing accessory par excellence: the coat rack. Opting for a wall-mounted solution not only maximises space efficiency, but also offers a neat and tidy aesthetic. However, one is often faced with well-defined space limitations, and traditional coat racks may be too bulky.

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To meet these demands in a modern and creative way, we present the UTUT coat stand. This modular model is available in configurations of 3, 4 or 7 elements, each with its own knob. This flexibility allows the hanger to be adapted to the specific dimensions and needs of the available space. Thanks to its modularity, the arrangement of the elements can be customised to suit aesthetic tastes and functional requirements.

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The UTUT coat stand also offers a variety of colour combinations, including the classic white, aluminium and black combination, or the refined linen, taupe and chocolate colour option. Furthermore, as with all CalleaDesign products, it is possible to customise the colours by choosing them from the RAL or NCS scale, thus ensuring a perfect integration with the rest of the entrance furniture.

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The robust and functional knobs ensure an optimal hold, thanks to their direct attachment to the wall by means of screws and dowels. Equipped with a well-defined edge, they are able to support even the heaviest items without compromising stability and overall aesthetics.

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