Following the publication of Decree No. 360 of 28/09/2022, mandatory environmental labelling of packaging was introduced as of 1 January 2023. The aim is to facilitate collection, recovery and recycling through correct information that indicates to the consumer the final destination of the packaging.


The labelling carried out in accordance with the UNI technical standards favours the identification and classification of the packaging, the nature of the packaging materials used, based on Commission Decision 97/129/EC.


On this page you can find all the information you need on the correct disposal of the packaging of your CalleaDesign creation. Please find the corresponding numbers on the picture to identify the type of material.

Etichetta imballaggio

  Identification Material Alphanumeric coding Directions for collection
1 outer box cardboard  PAP 20 separate collection of paper*
2 outer protective film white film LDPE 4 separate collection of plastic*
3 semi-transparent protective foil polyethylene foam Refoam LDPE 4 separate collection of plastic*
4 adhesive triangles polypropylene PP 5 separate collection of plastic*
5 Filler packaging polystyrene PS 6 separate collection of plastic*
6 Bags for screws and accessories polyester PET 1 separate collection of plastic*

* Check the rules of your municipality


The manufacturer has adopted, in compliance with Italian DL 116/2020, the digital environmental label for the proper disposal of its product packaging.



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